Impact HUB TOKYO – Résidence d’artistes au Japon

Impact HUB Tokyo est un espace de co-working et une communauté pour les entrepreneurs, les indépendants et les start-ups.

Durant l’été 2023, ils ont lancé un nouveau programme « Artiste en résidence dans le quartier de Meguro » qui est soutenu par « Life with Art Grant by Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture ».

Nous avons collaboré pour créer une série de 6 interviews vidéo présentant le programme et la résidence d’artiste au Japon, à nos deux communautés sur Instagram. Tous les épisodes ont été publiés sur les Reels Instagram avec des sous-titres anglais et japonais disponibles.

La vidéo la plus performante a atteint un total de 2 414 comptes atteints et a été vue 2 755 fois.
La portée moyenne de l’ensemble de la série est de 1 200 comptes atteints.
Mon profil Instagram @agatheferrand_art au cours du mois de publication (août 2023) a atteint plus de 3500 comptes atteints.

Liste des épisodes – Résidence d’artiste au Japon

residence artiste tokyo

Discover a new artist residency in the heart of Tokyo🗼 in Meguro.

🎥 Episode 1: Today we talk with Yuko Mishio of Impact HUB Tokyo about their new program: a
residency, welcoming artists in their coworking space to bring art to their local community and support artists’ journey of exploring. From daily open studios to exhibitions and events let’s discover their project and what they hope to realize together with the artists.

Résidence artiste Maureen

Printing with nature 🍃

🎥 Episode 2: Today we talk with artist Maureen Eggleton at Impact HUB Tokyo about her research during her residency. At first a fashion photographer, in the recent years Maureen has been focusing on fine art photography, inspired by her own sustainability journey she has been experimenting with natural elements in her creations, both conceptually and physically, let’s find out how!

Résidence artistique japon Makiko

Playing with fabric 🧵

🎥 Episode 3: Today we talk with artist Makiko Sugino at Impact HUB Tokyo about her research during her residency. Since her childhood days Makiko has always been interested by colors and the unseen elements in our daily lives, lights, sounds, everything in between us and our scenery. The artist lets us enter her world of play for a few moments, let’s explore…

Résidence artistique japon Mei

Dancing with our surroundings 🤸‍♀️

🎥 Episode 4: Today we talk with dancer and choreographer Mei Yamanaka at Impact HUB Tokyo about her research during her residency. Mei dances everyday. She is always searching in her surroundings the elements which can be used as an inspiration to her movements. At Impact HUB Tokyo she will be inspired by the space and its furniture, the way members of the community move, as well as their interactions with inhabitants of Meguro. She wants to create a performance to connect all members of the community.

Résidence artiste japon Kurage Yanyu

Sharing our experiences 🪑

🎥 Episode 5: Today we talk with curator and artist Yangu and artist Kurage at Impact HUB Tokyo about their research during their residency. Together the duo is taking on our negative experiences and how we can overcome them through creation. Thanks to the technique of woodblock printing they aim to create a safe space for participants to come create their own board and hope to go through this emotional journey by bringing the community together.

Résidence artistique japon Momo Chisato

The theater in our lives 🎭

🎥 Episode 6: Today we talk with stage producer Momo Hachisu and dramaturg Chisato Sone  at Impact HUB Tokyo about their research during their residency. When building a play, there is much to consider on how best to convey emotions and directions to actors. During their residency Momo and Chisato will use their time to research together on the very important and sensitive topic of discrimination by land and the best way to translate this topic on stage. Let’s hear about their collaboration and what drew them to choose this contemporary topic.

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